During the hottest days of summer, water attractions across North Carolina provide a refreshing escape.
Speaking in Code
How Cherokee soldiers from North Carolina created an unbreakable code during World War I.
The 1980s: City of Stars
A major film production finds its principal location in southeastern North Carolina, setting the stage for Wilmington’s new role as “Hollywood East.”
A Bunch of Bologna: 3 Spots to Get a Fried Bologna Sandwich
Craving a taste of childhood? These restaurants and shops serve up classic fried bologna sandwiches for the young and the young at heart.
Lunch Box Love: An Ode to the Fried Bologna Sandwich
A childhood spent eating homemade sandwiches for lunch and a husband with an affinity for bologna inspired a Greensboro chef to test her culinary boundaries with a familiar ingredient.
Lox Stock & Bagel: Greensboro’s Iconic Deli
At first, many Gate City residents didn’t know what to make of Reubens and Rachels or lox and bagels. More than 45 years later, they wouldn’t want their beloved local deli to change a thing — and its owners are happy to oblige.
A Big Apple Deli in Seafood Country
When a New York transplant found herself in Calabash without a job, she did what any well-raised Long Islander would do: She opened a deli.
Livin’ on a Prayer at Gotham’s Deli
In Smithfield, a family has blessed North Carolina’s Coastal Plain with a welcoming New York-style deli.
North Carolina’s Hidden Cemeteries
Although North Carolina is home to 175 public cemeteries, thousands of other burial grounds shelter fragments of history. Sometimes celebrated but often forgotten, their beauty and their stories wait to be discovered.