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Back in the day
Back in the Day: A Star is Born
Winston-Salem’s first and only Moravian star maker Julius Lineback crafted a holiday tradition.
Back in the Day: Hickory Nut Heroes
During World War I, children in North Carolina united in a statewide search for peach pits, walnut shells, and hickory nut shells.
Back in the Day: Bear Hugs
Mildred the Bear loved Fig Newtons, orange soda, and long walks with her best friend Hugh Morton.
Back in the Day: Coastal Cowboys
Ocracoke Island’s Boy Scout Troop 290 was the first — and only — mounted Boy Scout troop in the country.
Lake Lore
These two lake legends are almost too far-fetched to be true — almost.
Back in the Day: The Love Valley Thing
In 1970, hippies took over Love Valley for a rock ’n‘ roll weekend.
Back in the Day: First in Surf
More than a century ago, Wrightsville Beach became the first successful community to bring surfing, a popular West Coast sport, to the East Coast.
Back in the Day: Talk of the Town
Nicknamed Saluda’s “information central,” Thompson’s Store was the place to go to be in the know.