Remembering the blessing of North Carolina’s fragrant holiday foods.
mecklenburg county
Ghost Walk by Lantern Light
Old South Tour Company’s iconic belle leads Southport visitors to smart and spooky haunts.
Coca-Cola’s Ghostpainter
Andy Thompson applies fresh coats of paint to fading murals around the state.
The History of Lake Norman
Lake Norman’s original purpose was to provide fresh water and flood control for the region. More than fifty years later, the lake has transformed into a statewide destination, and the story of what lies beneath its waters continues to fascinate.
Judy Goldman: Writing to Understand
Words serve as a tool for a Charlotte author to make sense of a complicated family relationship.
The History of Family Dollar Stores
Leon Levine built Family Dollar Stores from a basement bargain shop in Charlotte to a Fortune 500 company with thousands of stores across the nation. Now the man who created an empire is giving it away.
How the Spirit Moves You
Shout bands gave the Charlotte African-American community something of its own in the early 20th century. Colorful parades. Mass baptisms. And a haunting, beautiful sound that transcended race and time, and still moves people today.
An Elegant Occasion at the McNinch House Restaurant
The McNinch House Restaurant offers food in Charlotte that is comfortable enough to be home and formal enough for a celebration.
The Queens Royal Receipts Cookbook
A graduating class from Charlotte reunites through shared recipes.