Seventy years ago, Elinor Hawkins’s professor asked her to choose a book she’d collect for the rest of her life. She picked “The Night Before Christmas.” Today, she has more than 1,000 copies.
New Bern NC
Baker’s Kitchen is Home to Delicious Breakfasts — and Butter Syrup
Baker’s Kitchen has weathered storms — literal and metaphorical — to keep its community in baked goods and breakfast foods (with a side of butter syrup).
Meet the Maker: Shop Class
In New Bern, a longtime woodworker opens his workshop to the community.
Well Suited: Wit Clothier in New Bern
A historic home in Craven County was hand-tailored to house a custom clothing shop, where you’ll find your perfect fit.
The Sweetest Stroll
Bring on the snickerdoodles. The lemon squares. The thumbprints and pinwheels. A cookie walk in New Bern boxes up Christmas magic.