Feel the waves beneath you and the wind in your hair as writer — and Camp Seafarer alumna — Susan Stafford Kelly sets sail.
susan stafford kelly
The A-B-Seas of Sailing
In the summer of 1968, a novice sailor headed to Pamlico County’s legendary Camp Seafarer to learn the ropes — and the lingo — of navigating the Neuse and beyond.
Keep Cozy or Kick Back? Cabins vs. Cottages
Both are charming. Both have Southern hospitality to spare. But when it comes right down to it, what’s the best way to unwind in North Carolina — keeping cozy in a cabin or kicking back in a cottage? Two writers tell all.
A Holiday Poem for the Ages
Seventy years ago, Elinor Hawkins’s professor asked her to choose a book she’d collect for the rest of her life. She picked “The Night Before Christmas.” Today, she has more than 1,000 copies.
Always in Fashion: The Front Porch in Eden
At The Front Porch, locals gather in a historic downtown building that has long been the go-to source for news and nostalgia — and now, new clothes, too.
Daddy Pete Farms in Stony Point
A Century Farm in Alexander County capitalized on an underappreciated and often-overlooked product already sitting in the cow pastures.
Baker’s Kitchen is Home to Delicious Breakfasts — and Butter Syrup
Baker’s Kitchen has weathered storms — literal and metaphorical — to keep its community in baked goods and breakfast foods (with a side of butter syrup).
A Tobacco Town Transformed: Wilson
A former tobacco salesman watches over the evolution of his family’s old marketplace into a modern living complex.
Good Times at the Old Hampton Store
In an old trading post and gristmill near Grandfather Mountain, an artist has created a community of locals and tourists who come together over pulled pork and fried pickles, High Country cocktails, and traditional Appalachian art and music.