Commercial and recreational vessels cruise a watery highway of natural and dredged channels, with one face toward the land and the other toward the ocean.
topsail island
8 Places to Find Beach Treasures in North Carolina
From Scotch bonnets and sand dollars to sea glass and shark teeth, North Carolina is a beachcomber’s paradise.
8 Grown-Up North Carolina Field Trips
Maybe it’s been years since you last solved an algebra equation or wrote an essay, but learning never stops, no matter your age. Expand your knowledge on a “field trip” to these eight destinations across the state. And don’t worry — you won’t be graded!
Back in the Day: A Whale of a Tale
In 1928, a massive carcass of a sperm whale washed ashore in Wrightsville Beach — and that was just the beginning of the trouble.
Topsail Island: The Beach You Remember
Bingo and roller skating, mini golf and ice cream: Among the candy-colored houses on Topsail Island, you’ll find the carefree joy of summers past.
Top-Secret Topsail
Eight concrete towers that were built for a government mission are now conspicuous landmarks on Topsail Island. Some are symbols of the Cold War. Others have found a new purpose: as vacation homes.
The Story of the Swing Bridge at Surf City
At least four generations of travelers have crossed the swing bridge that connects mainland North Carolina to Topsail Island. After so many people and so many years, the bridge has become a landmark. It marks a vacation’s beginning and end. It’s wonderfully out of step. It has a lot of character. And soon, it may be gone.