Ad Specs


Full Page
8.25″ x 10.875″
+ .125″ bleed all sides; safety from trim: .5″

1/2 Page Vertical
4.75″ x 7.5″

1/2 Page Vertical
4.75″ x 7.5″

1/2 Page Horizontal
7.25″ x 4.8125″

1/3 Page Vertical
2.3125″ x 10″

1/3 Page Box
4.75″ x 4.8125″

1/6 Page Destinations
2.375″ x 4.25″

Note: The trim size of Our State is 8.25″ x 10.875″.

File Specifications

Ads must be submitted as a high-resolution, print-ready PDF (exported using the PDF/X-1a:2001 setting) or a high-resolution TIFF.
All images must be CMYK at 300 dpi. No spot colors, RGB, LAB, or INDEX color elements.
All fonts must be properly embedded or converted to outlines.
We cannot assume responsibility for digital ads supplied without a color proof. We recommend SWOP-certified proofs.
Ads may be submitted via digital transmission or CD.

Digital Transmission
