Our State Gift Cards

Thank you for giving the gift of Our State magazine!

Your recipient will enjoy the very best of North Carolina travel, history, people, and places when Our State arrives each month.

Each magazine label will read “A Gift from ______” with your name or company above the recipient’s address to  announce your gift.

If you would also like a gift card, you may simply choose the most appropriate card from the selection below and follow the instructions to print or download and attach to an email.

Directions for Printing:

  • Click the card of your choice below. (Note: Adobe Reader is needed to open the file for printing. Click here to install Adobe Reader if you do not have it.)
  • Card will open as a pdf.
  • Once open, select print.
  • Card will print to a size of 4½” x 5½” centered on an 8½” x 11″ standard sheet of paper.

Directions for Saving and Emailing:

  • Click the card of your choice below.
  • Card will open as a pdf.
  • Save the pdf to your computer desktop or other folder.
  • Draft email and attach pdf. Click send to share your email and card.