On the Albemarle Peninsula, the last population of endangered red wolves — which total fewer than two dozen — roam freely in the wild. Despite the wolves’ ever elusive nature, some researchers have made it their mission to protect the precious species.
Red Wolf Resilience
A story of survival unfolds on the Albemarle Peninsula.
The Sound of Wild Ice
In winter, when the weather is just right, water turns ethereally symphonic — if you stop to listen.
The Sound of Wild Ice
In this episode of North Carolina, Naturally, Dr. Eleanor Spicer Rice explores wild ice and its cacophonous crack as it melts and breaks across our landscapes.
Beauty by the Yard in Goldsboro
A family’s love of fabric proves resilient in the face of time and the elements.
Your Guide to Washington
This former port town perched on the Pamlico River is full of waterfront history, charm, and adventure.
5 Fall Festivities in White County
Just south of the North Carolina border, a Bavarian-stye mountain town celebrates Alpine living with artisanal shops, delicious eateries, and plenty of outdoor adventures.
Where Classic Meets Modern in New Bern
True to its name — new — this coastal town continuously showcases original ways to visit its riverside setting and discover the 300-years-worth of history still shaping it.
Durham’s Own Butterfly House
Colorful discoveries abound year-round at the Museum of Life and Science.