A Year-Round Guide to Franklin and Nantahala

Ready for an Old North State Christmas? Forget the Christmas music on the radio and listen up: Our de facto music editor, Mark Kemp, has compiled a merry list of

Rosemary and Goat Cheese Strata

Ready for an Old North State Christmas? Forget the Christmas music on the radio and listen up: Our de facto music editor, Mark Kemp, has compiled a merry list of

23 North Carolina Christmas Songs to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

Ready for an Old North State Christmas? Forget the Christmas music on the radio and listen up: Our de facto music editor, Mark Kemp, has compiled a merry list of 23 Christmas songs with North Carolina ties. And Mark knows his stuff. An Asheboro native, he’s worked at both Rolling Stone and MTV. His hand-crafted Spotify playlist of Tar Heel holiday tunes, “Have Yourself a Merry NC Christmas,” is the perfect way to celebrate the season. 

What’s your favorite song on this list? Tell us (and your friends) by sharing this story using the buttons below.