Thanks to researchers with NC State Extension, North Carolinians can now enjoy beer made with local hops, ushering in a new era for the farm-to-glass movement.
The Trees Will See You Now
In North Carolina, physicians have long known that nature is the best medicine. Now, a new trail hiking program named TRACK Trails Rx is prescribing doses to the sick and the well.
Appalachian Atlantis: The Lost Mountain Utopia of Fonta Flora
Legend has it that beneath Lake James rests the lost mountain utopia of Fonta Flora, a diverse community that farmed fertile land and lived in harmony. Getting to the truth behind the lore involves following family history, old maps, and really good beer.
The Transplants
A community farm in Chapel Hill grows more than okra, bitter melons, and Thai chilies. New lives spring from these red-clay rows.
Hunting Wild Beer
Brewers in the Piedmont step outdoors — and back in time — to create truly local beers.