Stories from this Author

One Big Backyard Bean Party

The idea struck some as odd at first. Nevertheless, Lloyd and Frances Shore persisted. Now, a crowd gathers every May in Durham County to spoon up a special kind of camaraderie — and, of course, beans.

A Fisherman’s Muse

Ramona came to Dean Dosher as a kind of daydream, so he built her from memory and vintage parts. Now, when he pilots her along the Lockwood Folly River, the journey is a homecoming and a discovery.

4 Buffet Restaurants Serving Up Sunday Supper

You get what you get and you don’t fuss a bit. That’s the golden rule at a home-cooked Sunday supper. But at a buffet, the meal is all about choice — turnip or mustard greens? Fried chicken or ham? Mac ’n’ cheese or macaroni salad? — even if you choose a little of everything. These four restaurants know that on Sunday, a full plate is a full heart.

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