A Year-Round Guide to Franklin and Nantahala

Rebekah Todd is a singer/songwriter from Raleigh, NC. While her songwriting speaks for itself, it is on the stage that one can truly begin to appreciate her depth and sincerity

Rosemary and Goat Cheese Strata

Rebekah Todd is a singer/songwriter from Raleigh, NC. While her songwriting speaks for itself, it is on the stage that one can truly begin to appreciate her depth and sincerity

Rebekah Todd and the Odyssey: Live at Our State

Rebekah Todd is a singer/songwriter from Raleigh, NC. While her songwriting speaks for itself, it is on the stage that one can truly begin to appreciate her depth and sincerity as they follow along with the dips and swells of emotion that Rebekah Todd brings to every performance. –rebekahtodd.com

Other Performances:
Chatham County line
Mandolin Orange
Lowland Hum

Our Music in the Library series is bringing some of North Carolina’s best musicians into our offices, instruments in hand, to perform a song or two just for us. We’re filming these live performances and showcasing them on our website. See the performances at music.ourstate.com.

This story was published on Jun 02, 2014

Erin Reitz

Erin Reitz is a former digital content specialist at Our State.