Its flavor is sweet, its color is red, and its history is inextricably intertwined with our own. At soda fountains and from vending machines, we grew up with it. This is our drink. But we’re happy to share it with the rest of the world.
The Town That Built Food Lion
The Salisbury-based grocery chain that became Food Lion began as a community effort.
The Dark Hole: Civil War Prison Camps
At first, soldiers from both North and South return to their regiments in prisoner-of-war exchanges. But when officials end the old system in hopes of diminishing the slaughter, captured soldiers face death in the prison camps. (Volume 1, Part 6)
The Ride South
By wagon and on foot, settlers traveled the Great Wagon Road southward in search of land and prosperity, spurring the expansion of North Carolina.
Cooking with Cheerwine
Why only drink Salisbury’s favorite fizzy beverage, when you can cook with it, too?
Museum Qualities
Inside a historic brick building in downtown Salisbury, the Waterworks Visual Arts Center plans its next half century, and a new generation of Rowan County children learns how artists work.