The Willis Richardson Players in Wilmington take the stage at Thalian Hall twice a year. Sometimes, they put on a rousing musical, while other shows drive home a drama’s heartfelt message.
new hanover county
Lessons in the Grain
Wilmington wood turner Jeffrey Davies can take a piece of wood and make it into something special. His ability to transform things is also evident in the lives of the troubled teens he helps become productive citizens.
The Pilot House Restaurant: Shrimp and Grits
If you’re the Historical Society of the Lower Cape Fear, of course you’re going to fill your cookbook with tidbits from Wilmington’s past.
A House Divided
Doctor Bellamy’s mansion and the beginning of the end of an era.
(Volume 1, Part 1)
Breakfast in North Carolina: Old Pier House Restaurant
EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was published in January 2011. Since its publication, the Old Pier House Restaurant has closed. Steve . . .
Saving the Battleship North Carolina
Destined to be scrapped, the Battleship North Carolina got its reprieve in 1958, thanks to a statewide effort that brought the ship home.
Instrument of the Islands
In Wilmington, the North Carolina Ukulele Academy brings home the sound of the islands.
On The Porch
Even when the space is still there — a front porch with room for a couple of rockers, maybe a swing — time to enjoy the tranquility seems to have moved just beyond our grasp.