In the meat-and-12 feast that is Thanksgiving, one side dish reigns supreme: dressing. On North Carolina tables, the savory staple is a tribute to regional ingredients and traditions. We’re grateful for every last bite — just don’t call it stuffing.
Best Dressed
An Oysterman’s Calling
The education of oysterman and teacher Ryan Bethea started on land with one brave slurp. Now, his sustainably harvested Harkers Island oysters are prized throughout the state.
Bounty in the Marsh
Farming and fishing were a way of life on this island at the tip of Pamlico County. Then hurricanes brought rising waters. Now Lowlanders farm a new crop, one that comes from the sea.
The Tastemaker of Durham
One of the South’s top chefs, Matt Kelly, has helped transform downtown dining into a tour of the world. But with Saint James Seafood, his inspiration is closer to home: our coast.
Roots & Grooves
For three decades, the tobacco town of Kinston was known as a hothouse for musical talent. Teachers and their students dazzled audiences with their jazz, swing, and R&B jams, giving rise to a new American sound: funk.
Follow the Smoke
How do you turn a cozy oyster feast at an Orange County homestead into an annual rollicking festival? Just add a little music, a lot of barbecue, and a bunch of friends you haven’t met yet.
Sticking Together
If there’s one thing oysters like, it’s hanging out with, near, and on top of other oysters. So to make them comfy, volunteers are gathering up used shells and recycling them into new beds for bivalves.
A Most Righteous Roast
A community oyster roast in tiny Varnamtown keeps the love of a local oyster — the Lockwood Folly — alive for another generation.
Two Churches, One Table
Thanksgiving has always been about coming together. For a pair of churches in Wilmington, this year’s holiday menu is inspired by a new cookbook that connects two communities: one historically black, and the other predominantly white.